ረቡዕ 21 ኖቬምበር 2012

A friend and a best friend

Difference between a friend & a best friend.

A friend calls our parents aunt &uncle.

A best friend calls our parents Mom &Dad.

A friend asks us food.

A best friend opens the fridge & eats the food till he/she satisfies.

A friend didn’t see us crying.

A best friend is always a shoulder for our sorrows.

A friend asks us our wills.

A best friend always knows it.

A friend informs us when he/she is coming to our house.

A friend borrows our pen form us for some times & returns it.

A best friend borrows our pen & we have to buy another.

A friend knows a few about us

A best friend could have a biography about us.

A friend asks us to write down our phone number.

A best friend asks us to write his/her phone number. (Actually, he/she forget his/her phone number)

More than that,

A friend is only a friend for us.

A best friend is a friend, god, life, vision, light & all,…


ምንም አስተያየቶች የሉም:

አስተያየት ይለጥፉ

ጦማሩን ስለጎበኙ አመሰግናለሁ!

መልካም ነገርን ለሌሎች ማጋራት ባህላችን እናድርግ፤ ላልደረሰዉ በማጋራት ድርሻችንን እንወጣ፡፡

ትቶ እና ችሎ

  ትቶ እና ችሎ ብጹእ ወቅዱስ አቡነ መርቆርዮስ ፓትርያርክ ዘኢትዮጵያ በደረሰ ረታ ብጹዕነታቸው ለሶስት አሥርት አመታት እኛ በማናውቀው እግዚአብሔር በሚያውቀው በብዙ መከራ በብዙ ፈተና ውስጥ ነው ያሳለፉት። ...